Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No Middle Ground on Abortion

This weekend President Obama delivered him much debated about address at Notre Dame. He dove right into the debate on abortion, which was obviously the point of controversy over his invitation to speak. In typical fashion, the President donned a smile and read from his teleprompter. And as is typical for all of his addresses, he attempted to get us to follow him with sophistry and illusion while trying to hide the far-left, extreme liberality of his consistently pro-abortion positions.

He is smart in his approach, as well as being disingenuous. He works hard to sound moderate by trying to validate proper discourse and honoring both sides of the issue. He attempted to sound conciliatory and reasonable by stating a desire to find "middle ground." At best, this is nothing more than pointless and meaningless liberal speak. However, President Obama is far too smooth a politician to make meaningless statements without a purpose to his blather. He is not looking for middle ground, but cover to advance his agenda. He is smart enough to know that if people like he and he does not offend them then he can move things farther and faster in his agenda - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with middle ground. Such is modern politics. It is not lying if it sounds nice to others.

Obviously, there is no such thing as middle ground for anyone who believes that life begins at conception. What is middle ground for me? You can abort babies if you do it in a more humane way than by partial-birth abortion? This is a procedure he has always affirmed by the way. The destruction of a life is the destruction of a life. There is no middle ground. There is only life and death. President Obama knows this to be true.

His call for discourse and middle ground is a falsehood and lacks credibility on many levels. Undoubtedly, he will nominate a justice for the United States Supreme Court who is far-left. He has already chosen numerous candidates who no only favor abortion, but favor extreme positions such as the freedom of a 14 year old to have an abortion without parental notification. Where is the middle ground in that position? He has by Executive Order thrown over abstinence teaching in our schools in favor of passing out contraceptives. He has removed the restrictions on stem-cell research. He has funnelled millions for abortions both nationally and internationally in a unilateral fashion. Where is the "middle-ground?" His claims are false and disingenuous.

My challenge to the President, and his liberal cohorts, is to have the integrity to say what you are really wanting to see done. Engage in a real debate instead of this nonsense. Have the moral courage to advocate clearly for what you believe. Have the intestinal fortitude to engage in substance instead of this chicanery. He will not and they will not. The reason is obvious. If we move to some "middle-ground" then we have done nothing but compromise our beliefs and give way to their real agenda. That is his goal and his party's goal. He tries to appear nice and he tries to challenge people who believe in right and wrong and the right to life to "play nice with them." But they are not wanting nice and they are not playing nice at all.

If he really and truly thinks an abortion is a tragedy, then why not fund an ultrasound for each pregnant woman asking for an abortion rather than millions to Planned Parenthood? It is less expensive. He wants to take over our health care system anyway - so add that as a part of prenatal care and as a middle ground on the abortion issue. Why would he and they never do this? Because they know that over 75% of the women who have an ultrasound, never have the abortion! That would be destructive their agenda.

We must listen even when the liberals in both parties talk. They may refuse to communicate, but we can listen and think for ourselves. We can choose what is right. We can choose life.


  1. Well said Pastor, "some people think that life begins at birth but the life journey started long before birth"
    One Million Voices Strong...amber ryder

  2. Well put, Rev. Addison!

    The news reportage would have one think the President had miraculously discovered some small plot of previously-undiscovered "middle ground" on this most divisive of issues. If the President's actions to date showed any demonstration of that regard, it would be easier to hold out hope that was somehow true.

    However, as you rightly point out, what would such middle ground be in the basic argument of life vs. death? The President's actions to date show us his Notre Dame speech is yet another prime examples of the smoke and mirrors that pass for modern political discussion.

    "Find something that can pass for the center with some people, make some placating comment that shows know of it, then do whatever you want to do" has become the mantra of elected officials for nearly every important issue in modern national life.

    Great to see you're blogging - plan to continue reading in the future!
