Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How Should Conservatives Approach S. CT. Nomination?

The expected debate is already underway regarding the approach conservatives should use in their approach to President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Understand that most of this "debate" is being framed by the liberally biased media in an effort to squelch any real debate at all. The nomination processes of 2 Justices during President Bush's tenure are not ancient history. We all can remember how vigorously they were attacked by the liberal members of the Senate. There was no outcry at that time for quickly affirming his nominees. More liberal senators did not even consider a conciliatory, or even professionally cordial, approach. In fact, one Senator Obama publicly supported a filibuster in the case of Justice Alito without any substantive reason.

Conservatives should and must vigorously question and examine this nominee. It is imperative for several reason. First, it is necessary to define the sides. The liberal approach is still to mask the far left push currently underway. They do not posses the moral fiber to plainly state their case and let public opinion choose which is right. The vetting of how liberal she is will shed further light on just how far left the President is.

Second, advocacy is necessary to turn the tide in American thought. Ideas are powerful. Truthful ideas are even more powerful. This nominee must be questioned thoughtfully and clearly. The questioning process generates significant discourse in the public view. This discourse forces Americans to learn about vital issues such as judicial philosophy and the contrasting views of the U.S. Constitution between liberals and conservatives. The media, under the influence of the "talking points" being proffered by the White House, will seek "to tell the wonderful story" of Judge Sotomayor instead of present a true picture her opinions and philosophies as a judge. The failure to examine and thereby illuminate who we will have sitting on the highest court in the land will serve their interests by hiding the liberal agenda at work.

Third, people must be reminded that elections are substantive. President Obama was elected because he was popular. He carefully and professionally crafted his public image to be popular and tried, successfully, to hide how disturbingly liberal his views are. Only now are they becoming clear to people who simply liked him and therefore voted for him. Highlighting how far outside the mainstream he and his party are by highlighting how far outside the mainstream his nominee is will serve to remind folks that elections are substantive and have substantive consequences.

This is particularly critical in a state like Arkansas. Our 2 U.S. Senators vote in lockstep with the far left Democratic party. They campaign as "good ole" Arkansans and then support every far left liberal party idea presented by Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Their votes are a forgone conclusion in support of Judge Sotomayor. Senator Lincoln was quoted in an article in the May 27th Arkansas Democrat Gazette lauding the judge's diversity as an asset to the court. She is up for re-election in the next cycle. The only way to impact the liberal movement in Washington is to change who is there. Here is an opportunity to show with clarity that Senator Lincoln's position are far more liberal than her rhetoric when visiting home. This vote is a key opportunity to show people that a change must be made in order to fairly represent what the conservative, salt of the earth residents of Arkansas believe in.

Ultimately, the nomination process cannot be stopped absent the discovery of some unforeseen character failure that would disqualify her. The President has the power to nominate and the Senate has a specific standard by which this process occurs. Elections have consequences. Far left liberals currently control the Senate and the White House. This does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that conservatives should "roll over." They should question Judge Sotomayor in a professional manner - unlike the actions of the Democratic senators in the last 2 proceedings. They should question her thoroughly and on the important questions at hand.

Contact your senators and articulate your opinion. Encourage them to question strongly this nominee. Encourage them to vote in accordance with our values. This who will must be strengthened and emboldened to speak out. Those who will not vote in accordance with our values must be forced to stand for their liberal beliefs in a public fashion, and in the next election. .

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