Thursday, June 25, 2009

President Obama Raises the Bar for Untruthful Euphemism

President Obama continued last night in his sales pitch for hijacking the U.S. health care system. The "euphemism" is his weapon of choice. A "euphemism" is defined as "a word of phrase used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh, unpleasant, or offensive." Let me give you a few examples: health care "reform" - There is no editing, small change, or even overhaul of the system. He is engaging in an outright attack on our current system in an surreptitious effort to destroy what we know in favor of a government controlled system such as Canada or France; "town hall meeting" - He will not answer questions from anyone unless in a contrived, controlled setting in which he has complete control. I guess he learned his lesson when Joe the Plumber nailed his untruthfulness to the wall on national television. "Pro-choice" - The destruction of a human life because of the selfish choices of two adults who could have chosen while an unborn human being cannot choose its own fate.

His newest and most offensive euphemism is "evidence based care." He has chosen this phrase because it sounds scientific and educated, with a little taste of factual thrown into the mix. It is obviously more palatable and pleasant than explaining that he wants the government bureaucracy to make a blind and "one size fits all" decision about whether YOU receive medical treatment. Medicare and Medicaid do this on a daily basis and it is a disaster!

This lie from the President and the left is so offensive it is disgusting! When will people get sick of this offensive and dishonest stuff coming out of Washington. He and his cohorts have raised it to a pornographic art form. Evidence based care means...

bureaucrats will decide what tests and treatments you receive - not you or your doctor.

There will not be any aggressive or advance treatments because you will have to reach a certain "level" of sickness to have evidence of that sickness.

Innovative treatments will grind to a trickle!

Currently, there are a number of areas in which Medicare and Medicaid will not fund treatments which they are required by law to fund and patients are suing them to force them to pay. These areas often involve arguing over what is sufficient evidence of the effectiveness of the treatment.

Effective treatments which show great promise will not be available to the general public. There will be numerous trials which show the effectiveness of the treatment, procedure, or drug, but it has not yet been "approved" because the FDA has chosen to slow track it or it has been bogged down in their maze of inefficiency. It works and could be saving lives, but because it has not yet completed its "testing process," there is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness and so it will be denied to the public.

This form of lying is an outrage. The President and the left does not even believe enough in their system to fully explain it and let it rest on its own merits. They utilize a political form of dishonesty called the "euphemism." It is American to the core to present an honest position and then debate the merits. It is lying and dishonest to do what America now watches from the President, the Democratic party, many of the Republicans as well, and the mainstream media.

Please teach them what real communication looks like and make it clear to your U.S. Representative and your U.S. Senators that you will vote them out of office if they support this plan in any way, shape, or form.

1 comment:

  1. It amazes me how many are willing to give up control of their health care to the government when the goverment has already made a wreck of the same exact plan on a smaller scale (Medicare and Medicaid.) To many, euphemisms are the truth. How sad.
