This week has been yet another opportunity to watch the abortion supporters reveal the insidious selfishness and evil of their support for the killing of innocent life. The hypocrisy in the reporting of Dr. Tiller's death is one example. Make no mistake about it that the taking of any life is a tragedy. It is wrong to take a life violently, even if it was Dr. Tiller. We are pro-life and that has to mean something. It is clear that 99% or more of pro-life people believe this to be immutable. They were not interviewed by the media and this obvious truth was not reported.
Instead, they acted like this was somehow the actions and attitudes of pro-life people. They also glorified him as some humanitarian and hid the fact he consistently performed late-term abortions for dubious reasons. They have an agenda which has nothing to do with truth or facts, but only their opinion. It is all about simply supporting their "side."
The media completely ignores the horrible murder of an Army recruiter - an honorable young man in an honorable profession - to extol the virtues of Dr. Tiller and his "tragic" loss because they are focused on advocating their position.
The liberal abortion supporters reveal the true nature of their selfishness every time they advocate in this manner. They have abandoned any view of morality. They argue against the protection of defenseless human life because that life requires some sacrifice from them. They feel the freedom to ignore the sacrifice of a young soldier to a Muslim terrorist because there is no inherent value in protecting others - the mission of the Armed Forces.
This was never more evident than in a television interview with Patricia Ireland. She is a long time supporter of abortion rights in many roles and is revered by the liberal left. In an interview by Bill O'Reilly, she clearly stated that she believed life begins at conception. She confirmed in her own words, clearly and willingly, that life begins at conception.
When pressed as to the rationale for her support of abortion given this truth, she stated that this defenseless human had not life its life and the mother had hers to live. The mother has dreams, life, other children, a career, and real life that is on-going. For this reason, the law should grant her the right to destroy another life. The logic is clear - another life, especially a defenseless one- is not as important as the one that appears to carry more value in her own eyes.
The evil of this logic is astounding. The arrogance to decide one life is greater and of more importance than another life is evil. The callous disregard for the defenseless is evil. She and others beam with pride at their arguments and state them clearly for all to see. Yet they are so blinded by their evil arrogance and selfishness that it never dawns on them that they are admitting the evil of their position. Those who compromise and vote along with this agenda, such as our delegation from Arkansas and others around the Nation, are guilty of the same selfishness and failure to protect the defenseless.
The true depth of their evil is create and perpetuate a law that protects the selfish whims of the mother - who can defend herself - at the final and eternal expense of a defenseless unborn human being. Proverbs 31:8 is part of a Godly mother's instructions to her son as to the role of a Godly leader. She states unequivocally, "Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die."
As a follower of Christ, it is our duty and joy to defend the defenseless. Pray for your local Crisis Pregnancy Center. Give and support them. Encourage your church to do the same. Write to your Senators and Congressmen. "Open your mouth for the speechless." The government is not doing and will not do it. The media is not and will not do it. We must.
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