Tuesday, August 25, 2009

President Asks for Pastors to Comment on Healthcare

Last week, President Obama met with a group of rabbis in an effort to combat the demise of his terrible vision for changing how healthcare is delivered in the United States. He asked them to include in their sermons illustrations of how people are suffering from lack of healthcare coverage under the current way insurance and healthcare functions.

It is interesting that the President who eschewed the National Day of Prayer would ask support from people of faith for anything, but especially to support the government taking control over our lives. Such is the desperation he and his political cronies are feeling as America discovers its mistake in electing Barack Obama and rejects his liberal, government in control view of the future.

It also highlights his liberal hypocrisy. He has only asked religious leaders with a liberal bent politically. He has not reached out to the Catholic church - this despite the fact they run hospitals, hospices, senior adult homes, etc. In fact, the Catholic church has probably cared for more AIDs victims than anyone else in America through their hospices and other church programs. Democratic liberals in Washington are not reaching out to Southern Baptist pastors asking us to speak about healthcare issues in our sermons. Why? He knows that our vision differs from his at every level. In fact, our own Senators and Congressmen have not asked Southern Baptist pastors to host town hall meetings for them in Arkansas. I wonder why?

I can tell you confidently that they would scream "separation of church and state" if they were to ever hear a sermon from me or one of my friends regarding the role of government in healthcare.

For liberals such as the President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Senate Majority leader, people of faith are anathema. In their misguided effort to hijack America to their twisted vision, they will even use what they disdain in order to reach their ends.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Bro Greg.
    I say give him what he asks. His advance on Socialism is getting scary. Once he owns healthcare there will be no stopping the steamroller. I hear now they are trying to bring down the CIA and vision a National Security Force. My guess they will look a lot like Black Panhers. Sounds a lot like Germany in the thirties.
