Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm a Real American Despite What "Washingtonians" Think

There is much written and said about how "Washingtonians", "those inside the beltway", or whatever you want to call them, look down their collective noses at those who are "regular folks", "live in red states", live in "flyover states", etc. These terms are real descriptions of the culture war that exists in today's American society.

There is an excellent commentary referenced on Hugh Hewitt's blog from Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009. You all should read it. It describes in a nutshell what all of us feel. It is what we feel when "Beltway people' laud men such as Ted Kennedy as some kind of great man simply because he was a famous liberal from a liberal state on the East Coast/North. He would never have been elected in the South, and therefore, he would never have been a fixed picture of what is wrong about America. What is right about America is that in places like the South you must still at least pay lip service to personal morality. He was from the same area that elects John Kerry in a perennial farce of an election - despite the fact his son specifically denigrated the folks in America who shop and work at Walmart. They are icon examples of this culture war.

We must realize it exists. We must realize that they have been fighting it for years. We must realize the America and the culture that we know and love will disappear if we do not win this fight.

By the way, I had a great American day yesterday. I took my son to the Razorback game. I wore a new Razorback hat that I loved - purchased at Walmart Mr. Kerry. It matched my Razorback shirt that I bought 2 years ago on sale at Walmart. My son and I had a great time at the game. And all the folks who work at Walmart in the Fayetteville area was very nice to us during our visit.

Beltway folks have a lot to learn from all of us flyover, Walmart shopping, football loving, regular Americans!

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